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Old 01-18-2013, 04:37 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 354

I have used those in a pinch for a long time myself, I only have trouble with the yellow(as mentioned) and the orange ones. I just finished a quilt that had been marked with yellow, orange, and blue highlighters 4 yrs ago(I prefer these since they are the same size as a pen). After making a "solution" of a quarter cup of powdered laundry soap(Purex) and a bowl of warm water, I used a soft hand cleaning brush to apply it to the marks. I was just so sure they would never come out so I freaked and pre-soaked them, just in case. I must say, I was impressed as all the marks came out on the first wash! Even the orange marks. I had ironed, steamed, re-marked and left those marks in all this time and still got them out. I agree with the one(s) that mentioned the artists pencils as well, I have yet to have a problem getting them out either.
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