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Old 10-29-2009, 10:17 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 317

If you join the quiltville group at Yahoo! there is a PDF file with a chart for the scrap sizes for the free patterns on I used it to devise a detailed plan so I can collect pieces for the quilts that I will make for my seven nieces. Each quilt is a different pattern, but my diagrams help me cut strips from each fat quarter so that they are shared among several quilts.

I labeled the drawers in two rolling carts with the strip sizes that I am using, and have started sorting strips as I find time to cut from my stash of FQ's. I am forcing myself to finish two other quilts-in-progress, but every now and then I invest an hour or so to cut some more for the "nieces pieces" drawers. One of the quilts has string piecing, so I have a use for the leftovers from each FQ.

I am having to restrict myelf to FQ sizes for blocks right now. When I get further along, I will start stashing more fabric for the borders, sashing, backing, and binding.

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