Old 01-27-2013, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by irishrose View Post
Mousie, use a pound of butter or lard. That's closer to fat. I've only lost a pound this month, but when I look at a pound of butter I feel better.

Today I found out something I didn't know. Weight gain is a side effect of Lyrica - it's known as the the 'Lyrica belly'. Sh!! I can't give it up and go back to the nerve pain in my back and foot, but I am surely not going ask my Dr to increase the dose as I was thinking of doing.

Mousie, your signature line, "The stuff you accumulate takes looking after" hits home. At this point in my housekeeping life, it takes stepping around. My bedroom is as cluttered with clothes as my body is with fat. I straightened the closet for a while this morning, but I didn't part with anything. That won't do. What's the best way to store purses? Since I can no longer be a shoe whore (not my term), I am becoming a purse wh---. No more red high heeled slingbacks,but several red purses, etc. Red - I wore a red sweater, a red wool coat and carried one of the red purses to church this morning. Did I say I like red?

I've taken it easy today except for dog walking, but I'll work on my quilt during Dowton Abbey. Lots of snow coming down so walking was pretty. Thank goodness, my neighbor does my shoveling.

Have a good evening, y'all.
right off the bat we have, let's see, is it 3 or 4 things in common?
I've been downsizing my house for almost a year (I am slooow, medically so, but slow)....so clutter is not foreign to me, but i do abhor it and it makes me nuts.
I found out in the fall that not only do I have a foot spur, but arthritis in my feet, I LOVE red...and red, and more red, especially with PINK!
and I need to lose weight for far more than vanity.
So, no more bikinis...not that I ever wore them lol, no more dress shoes...boo hoo, I've cut back on shopping bc i don't want to accumulate any more stuff and I don't want to stuff stuff in my mouth and I have more fabric than i can sew in my lifetime.
So that leaves me with my love for making tote bags and I don't know if they help hide my hips or it emphasizes them.
I do find myself going for smaller ones lately.
Think it's a coincidence? I have a feeling - not.
I used to make poles with hooks for my kids to hang their stuffed animals on...if you could get one, why not make your purses part of your bedroom decor?
I just had to put that in my siggie to remind myself that my "keeping everything" days are over and it's more fun to have room to move around. I totally related and enjoyed your post, thank you!
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