Thread: OH HORRORS!!
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Old 10-29-2009, 03:51 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Ohhhh...I'm sooo sorry you have a mouse! We had 1 a couple of nights ago. Now..I have 4- yes F-O-U-R cats IN the house. DH is still sleeping (or trying to sleep) in a recliner in the den after his little horse accident. Anyway..the other night, he is awaken by 2 of the cats charging back and forth across the front of the couch. It seems that they have found...yes...A MOUSE! The chase is ON! The 2 younger cats would sit on either end of the sofa and the "old girl" would creep in behind the couch to run the nasty thing out. They did this time and time and time again! The "even older guy" (not DH.....the cat :roll: :) finally had to climb on top of the recliner to get out of the way. This went on for at least 30 minutes...finally, the mouse made a break for it and ran around the corner into the bathroom. Now..ALL the cats on on its trail, DH is chasing it and I'm awake trying to figure out what in the heck is going on when...the cats cornered it..DH got it and out the backdoor it went. Truthfully...I didn't ask if it was dead or cats can help you...but I'm not sure its worth it.... :roll: :lol:
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