Old 01-29-2013, 05:16 AM
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Dconroy, picasa will let you shrinkidink the pics. It's free to download (http://picasa.google.com/). Once you have it installed, open the folder where you have the picture, then right click on it and click open with, then choose picasa viewer (not sure why, but I can only get the viewer), then below the pic, click edit in picasa. When you have it up, go to file, then export to folder. It'll let you pick where you want it, and it creates a new folder with just that picture in it (or pictures if you pick more than one in picasa, which you can't do until you're in the program). When the box pops up for picking the destination, below it is where to tell it what size you want. If you change it to 600, that shows perfect on here without loosing too much detail.

I hope this helps!
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