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Old 02-01-2013, 11:14 AM
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I have decided to try some different patterns from the block galore sight. I do have some standard ones that I just love and do sew up nice and I generally stay away from too many points. But I am going to try some. Ok I am shaking over that thought. But what the heck.....can't learn if you don't try.
I have been fighting allergies since last Aug. Blocked up sinuses etc. So I am now going to an allergist again. She put me on this food regime or no food....however you want to look at it for three weeks. Essentially I can eat fresh fruits and veggies and lean meat. Ok....I can do that. I am almost at the end of the three weeks...Three weeks without my beloved cheese. I am a totally cheeseaholic. Also she has me taking some minerals because the regl. med. I take for cholesterol...depletes certain minerals so you have to replace them. Who knew that one????? So after three weeks.....I still have the stuffed up nose, sneezing, etc. So now I wonder what the Allergist will do. I think I now get tested to see what I am allergic too. Isn't life fun???? Of course I sneeze constantly around fabric and I was told it's because of the Formaldahyde in it. I do wash my material so that should not be an issue. I sure hope I am not allergic to material. LOL.
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