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Old 02-03-2013, 08:35 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 198

I recently went through the same thing. I really want to go on a quilting retreat, but I haven't search one out yet. My mother in law started topping late last year and I have quilted three for her so far. I gave her lots of my stash and I gave the rest to a 14 year old that has taken a liking to sewing anything she can get her hands on. So now I am left with enough fabric to make 8 tops and I love it. Having a stash may sound great, but I found it overwhelming. So if I had not touch that fabric in two years or there was nothing planned for it, I gave it to one of the two mentioned above. My 8 projects fit into my 30 gallon rubber maid tub and all I have to buy is backing and batting when I get to quilting these tops. My plan is to sew and quilt them this year and quilt four tops I have left to quilt from last year. Sounds a little organized, but I go through stages of sewing nothing but tops and then I go through stages of doing nothing but quilting. I also have three little quilts that need binding. My goal is to stay focused enough to put together an Affair of the heart quilt or get busy on my dear jane, but I like the tops that I can cut and piece together within a few weeks.
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