Thread: Pull threads?
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Old 02-06-2013, 04:09 PM
Weezy Rider
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Default Pull threads?

I've been watching a lot of the how to vids, and all say to pull up bobbin and top thread at start and finish of a FMQ run.

I've got the Brother 1500S, and I can pull up the beginning bobbin thread, but can't get the end one up through the fabric.

I've lifted the foot, pulled on the top thread with the takeup lever on the top, and the bobbin thread won't pull up. What else can you do? Do you have to lift the foot and pull the fabric out from under the needle?

Also, how do you mark multi colored fabric? I have the quilt paper and punching it with a 110/18 needle and using the pounce does well on plain and most colored fabrics - but I have a Stonehenge tortiseshell type fabric - sort of teal, brown, gold, white. Blue doesn't show, white has a hard time, purple doesn't show. How do you mark this? What color do you use?

I found some old fabric that I would like to make a raggy out of. I might have to put the pattern on the back of the fabric and quilt in reverse. The bobbin stitches look decent enough.

That's also why I'd have to do something about stitches at the beginning and end of a pattern.
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