Thread: Pull threads?
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Old 02-06-2013, 04:51 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: at the foot of the Ouichita Mountains, SE Oklahoma
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Below is my procedure, it should work with any machine:

When you begin to machine quilt,

1) Lower your darning foot and take 1 stitch, stopping with your needle in the air
2) raise your darning foot, then take hold of the top thread and pull. This should bring a loop of the bottom thread to the top of the quilt.
3) take hold of the bottom thread and top threads. Pull them out to a length of about 4-6 inches or so.
4) grab both the top and bottom threads and hold onto them.
5) now go back into the SAME stitch and begin by taking 2-3 stitches in the same spot OR take 2-4 very tiny stitches forward. (All of this step is while you are still holding onto those threads from step 4.
6) cut the threads and sew, sew, sew

OK now onto the stopping.

1) after taking your last stitch, raise your darning foot and pull your quilt out from under the foot about 6-7 or more inches.
2) grab hold of the top thread and hold.
3) move the quilt back under the darning foot and take ONE stitch in the same spot or very close to it...just one stitch, stopping with the needle up.
4) pull on the top thread and you'll see the bottom thread pop up.
5) pull it further up to a length that you desire.
6) now you have a decision: either cut them both off close to the quilt top (this is what I do) OR thread a needle and bury the threads into the quilt.

I'm hoping this is what you meant. If it isn't, I'm sorry for the lengthy directions...but I am an ex-educator and a sequential- learner myself and step-by-step is easier for me to understand.

Good luck with your quilting!

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