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Old 02-07-2013, 09:30 AM
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I just borrowed a book from the library called "The Cat Who REturned at Christmas" or something like that. It's a true story about a single mom who had a 9-year old autistic son. One day a cat appeared in their garden, this cat was extremely malnorished and looked awful. She set out food in the shed as well as a cat carrier, hoping that she would be able to catch the cat and eventullay bring it to the vet. The cat kept coming around and eventually she was able to get the into the carrier and took it to the vet, where she left it. In the meanwhile, she put posters up about teh cat.
Tehvet called her one day and asked if she wouldn't adopt the cat and give it a home. She went to the vet and was going to say that she really couldn't keep the cat, but an amazing thing happened: her son had bonded with the cat while she while the women was trying to get the cat into the carrier. The cat had also bonded with the little boy. When they saw each other at the vet's there was recognition and the little boy started talking and getting all excited.
Of course, she took the cat home and the two grew really clsoe. One day, the cat disappeared and the little boy was heart broken. Months went by and the boy felt worse and worse. Just before Christmas the cat came back.

I just started this book, but it looks like a good read and it is a true story abotu how a little cat came into the life of this little boy and brought about a lot of changes.
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