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Old 02-07-2013, 08:19 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Originally Posted by trolleystation
My Mom was raised on a farm with 13 brothers and sisters. She made 'scrapple' for us during the war when meat was hard to get. Delicious fried until crispy and served with Karo syrup.

Karo syrup?!!!! People think we are crazy because we us Karo on our Pancakes, Waffles, and French Toast. It's in our blood!! Karo was part of our formula when we were babies. Didn't have all these different types of formula's they have now. Dr. would write up a script for Mom's to follow based on the babies age and weight. Karo, Evaporated Milk and Hot water. That was it!! We were all healthy, didn't have these ear infections kids have all the time, or all these allergies that kids have. Heck they even put us down for a nap with a bottle!!!
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