Thread: arthritis pain
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Old 02-12-2013, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Patchesnposies View Post
I agree with the poster who wrote to avoid the nightshade vegetables. I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 15 years, fibromyalgia for longer than that and have been on tons of medicines that have caused worse side effects than the RA and fibro themselves. (Methotrexate, Enbrel, Arava.....)

Two years ago I gave up grains and sugar, along with the nightshades veggies. I saw incredible improvement and lost 40 lbs......but was still not 100% healed which was my goal. I added dairy free and that was what helped me over that last hump.

I don't take any meds any more. At all. If I work too hard in the yard I might have to take some naproxen or soak in an epsom salt bath. I supplement with magnesium, vit D, co-Q, zinc and selenium and get lots of sleep. I try to keep my stressors to a minimum.

I don't eat anything processed any more. I don't necessarily eat organic since it is cost prohibitive, but I try to eat my food as close to the way God made it as possible. lol

Some famous ancient person (Aristotle? Socrates?) said that "All disease begins in the gut" and I believe it.

Everyone's body is different and we all have to find what works for us. Good Luck and God Bless you on your healing journey!
EVERYTHING I read tells me that if you want to stop hurting and get healthy THIS is the way to do it. Prescription drugs are a godsend in some cases, but food can be our medicine. If nothing else remove all sugar and ALL artificial sweeteners (especially artificial sweeteners!) and as many carbohydrates as you can especially wheat which was altered genetically around 1997 and continues to be some kind of mutant. Look at how many of our foodstuffs have wheat or wheat derivatives in them.
And while this is good advise it's really hard to do. I've succeeded only to fall back again. But, eventually pain drives me back onto the right road. I'm sorry so many of us have to hurt so much. My left thumb is throbbing so much as I type this that I'm going to go get some ibuprofen.
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