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Old 02-15-2013, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by dreamer2009 View Post

This morning I woke up to 3- emails telling me that there were 3- debit card purchases
made from my Paypal account while I slept.
the account was drained of almost $1,500.00.
yes it was turned over to the fraud dept.
I was shopping online at a site called The Green Fairy and the same thing happened to me. Since we live overseas, that is about the only way I can shop. I had two "purchases" from other countries (one Korea and another I have forgotten), but the Green Fairy company would not believe their site had anything to do with it.

When I went to pay for my order everything came up automagicly! I do not have a PayPal account, so how could they possibly have had my credit card information, my mailing address and other such personal things? The credit card company forced me to cancel my card and get a new number. That was unfortunate because that card had a low credit balance and a low interest rate too. My thinking was to have a low balance so if someone stole it, I would not be charged so much--maybe less than $300.
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