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Old 02-22-2013, 09:26 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Wonderful memories! The ringer washer, putting the "whites" water into the big plugged sink and reusing it for a slightly darker load (even reusing that is it didn't look too bad for the work clothes)! Being warned enough I really took it serously to stay away from the ringer! Wiping down the lines before putting the clothes up each week (Mom did that, I handed her clothes from the basket). Remember my parents arguing about enlosing the porch so Mama wouldn't be so painfully cold each winter wash day (she won and sliders were put in to the upper half around the porch). After the war she got a front loader Bendix and it had to be bolted into the floor; the bolts would come loose and Mama would have me and the hired hand's boy sit up on top to keep it from bouncing too much... what a hoot that was. To this day I have the drying rack Mama used (twice the size of the ones in use today) for when it was raining outside and expected to continue.... plus clothes hung on hangers and put on the frames of the archways between the "public" rooms down stairs. And ironing! Pillowcases on up!!! Mama used to leave the winter clothes in a huge basket, unironed, until winter came again, and the same with the summer clothes... not enough room in our dressers for both! I have a front loader that gentle and throughly washing things w/o twisting, and am waiting for my old dryer to die so I can get a new one.

Iron? That something you do to seams as you quilt to make them flat! I have to admit that when DH and I got married I gave his non-wash and wear shirts to Good Will and bought him new ones (also dumped some of his worst ties!). He was startled, but presumed that was the sort of things new wives did!
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