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Old 02-23-2013, 07:38 PM
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If you are planning on printing and selling patterns and you are concerned about copyright violation because the patterns may be derivatives, I strongly recommend you get a good copyright lawyer.

Many of the blocks in EQ are public domain due to their age and what would be original copyright would have expired. The EQ website has extensive information on what patterns cannot be sold commercially. Additionally, anything provided by EQ is licensed for personal use by virtue of the fact that you paid for the software. Anything you create by playing around with the blocks is your own product.

Typically speaking, personal use is not considered a copyright violation so I would not worry about it. Have fun with your quilts. Seriously, is someone going to pursue an expensive lawsuit against a home quilter because they made a quilt that is similar? No, they're going to sue a commercial business, because commercial businesses have money.

As far as recipes are concerned, a list of ingredients cannot be copyrighted under law, but the instructions and commentary before and after can, along with pictures and original graphics. (As I understand it).
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