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Old 02-25-2013, 04:52 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 5,397

Great job. Don't worry about the not having a machine. I have a couple and I still take a while to get things completed, rather from starting on another project, or trying to decide how to finish it or just life in general getting in the way. This year, I'm on a crusade to finish what I have started before starting anything new. I'm also not buying any fabric unless to complete a project. So far this year I've only bought just enough fabric to complete my monthly embroidery club class. I'm even making sure what ever is the class of the month gets done within the week after class. I'm doing the projects that take the smallest amount of time to finish first so that my pile goes down faster. I just finished two crib size quilts, one was started about a month before my DGD was born, she'll be two this week so you know what she's getting for her birthday. I even made sure to embroider a lable on the back of it. My next project to finish is the mesh beach bag that I started last yr for my DD, it's big to help taking the little ones to the beach. Then it's onto my son's quilt for his birthday in April. My priorities are smallest first unless it's needed for a special day like a birthday or summer coming. You are doing a great job and it's nice to see inspiration in any form. I commend all who do it by hand, its alot of work.
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