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Old 02-25-2013, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Virginia
Posts: 13

Hi Kif and to all who responded,

I am so overwhelmed. The Ocean quilt is based on the quilt named Geisha's. I made the Ocean for my friend Keiko and her husband Sat. The Window quilt ironically is called Keiko's garden windows. I have finished a quilt for a friend of my sister but I had a very hard time matching up the triangle pieces. To trained quilt eyes I am sure that my flaws show. Any suggestions on that? I do know how to use a machine. I just prefer quilting by hand. I usually sit on the couch and listen to the tv so hand quilting works for my life style. My new daughter-in-love wants me to join a quilting club, and we have several here in the city, but I am not at a place where I feel comfortable with a lot of "pro's" especially the ones who use machines. They are all so exacting and beautifully stitched.

I do google a lot and have found several places that offer free patterns, that's where I got these two..

Thanks for the vote of confidence

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