Thread: Borders
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Old 02-25-2013, 02:56 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Central Jersey
Posts: 145

Ok, I finally had some time to go into the closet and pull out the bargello to take pictures of it. Here it is laid out on a king size bed, the next time I decide to make one I am going to make sure that I have enough material to probably double the size, depending on the pattern. I would like to make one large enough to drape slightly past the top mattress of a king size bed and have enough to do the pillow tuck. Than I will make an accompanying dust ruffle to cover the box springs. Ok, here it is, if I decide on a border I think I am going to go with a solid ivory and than perhaps do some needleturn applique in batiks.


Rosie the Wyldwytch
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