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Old 02-26-2013, 07:44 AM
nuevaquilter's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: S. Jamesport, NY
Posts: 74
Default Help! Can this quilt be saved??

I'm sooo upset! It's the first time I've used a thin batting and now the back of my quilt is covered with knots! It's a small (30" square) quilt, log cabin blocks, some in reds, some in whites, some 1/2-1/2, to make a white background with a red valentine. The logs are tiny (1/2" finished). I decided to [machine] quilt the white parts in 1/2" cross-hatching so the valentine stands out (photo below, degraded to show stitching). Dense, but goes with the logs. I secured the ends of each row the way I have before, by taking 2-3 stitches at 0 length. But when I turned the quilt over, the little knots are all over the back! They apparently just punched through! And they refuse to be pulled back into the center of the quilt. Worse yet, I used different thread colors for top/bottom, so the knots really show (see 2nd pic below)!

I don't know if the fabric would stand up to ripping out rows and rows of stitching, plus pulling out the knots. There are 16 rows in half of a 7" block. I thought about just getting a permanent marker the color of the backing to color the knots, but they'd still be very obvious. I could hand-applique something over the areas that are already quilted, but they'd just be weird triangles. The quilt is a gift for a dear friend. I'm so disappointed!!

Attached Thumbnails knots.jpg   quilthatch.jpg  
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