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Old 02-26-2013, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Posts: 16
Default Bobbin thread when machine quilting

Hi everyone,

I finally got my courage up and I'm trying to machine quilt for the first time. I've got the starting part figured out. I bring my bobbin thread to the top, no problem. However, any directions I can find tell me to do the reverse. So, drop my stitch length, lift the pressure foot, pull the quilt away from the machine.....and then what? I don't have anything to pull to bring the bobbin thread to the top. Do I cut it from the bottom and then somehow hide it? Or, how would I bring the bobbin thread to the top to clip it? I hope this makes sense.

I truly would appreciate the wisdom of this wonderful group
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