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Old 11-04-2009, 12:07 PM
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If you're a bad mom, then I was, too. I hated, hated, hated science fair project time.

Hmmm...could she separate the tadpoles and put them in different temperatures somehow, then find out at which temperature they turn into frogs first?

Edit: Out of curiousity, I just googled "Science fair projects about tadpoles" and found a ton of stuff, including something about determining how temperatures affect them. Great minds, huh?

Also, I found this question: "My son is in 4th grade and wants to do a project on the life span of frogs. From tadpoles to frog. But we can not think of a hypothisis that would tie into this." Someone answered it with several links.

What did we ever do without google? Wait, I know, we HATED, HATED, HATED science fair projects. :evil:

Sorry, I'm calmer now.
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