Thread: Featherweight
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Old 03-01-2013, 01:41 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Spring Hill, Tennesee
Posts: 497

Flat side to the left is correct. A FW repairman, at Paducah, says that is the most common concern he sees. Also, he recomments half a cake of Safeguard soap, still in the box, placed inside the case. Don't let the soap itself touch anything in there. It does help and can be replaced as it gets old. I have used Irish Spring in my fabric storage boxes and it keeps musty smells away. Cases that look facded and thready, can be painted with black auto spray paint. This is a last ditch method though. Mine was coming off in a few places and the paint helped hold it in place. When dry, it was like new. It saved me $50 for buying a new, repro. case. Be sure to mask the handle, latch and hinges with painters tape though before painting outdoors. I know, poor folks have poor ways, but it looks great and gave it a new lease on life. Rubber feet for the case were obtainable on ebay for about $1 each. Saves your table.
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