Old 11-05-2009, 08:48 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 8,049

Here's a few things from my list:

Toiletries. Tylenol, muscle relaxant, anti-histamine etc. VITAMINS
clock, beanbag pillow to microwave for those sore shoulders,
PJ's or other comfy sewing attire, flip flops or slippers.
Camera and batteries, and recharger and chair.
Commuter mug for using at your sewing machine. (wine glass ??? & wine)
Paper scissors, snips & fabric scissors
Notepad & pen/pencil (pigma pen for labels or ??? ) for taking notes.
blue disappearing pen, yellow or white chalk marker
Sewing machine foot pedal & power cord, manual, 1/4 inch foot, walking foot, etc
Extra machine needles, screwdriver & bobbins, hand needles.
Threads for piecing and quilting.
magnet for picking up dropped pins
Stabilizer (newsprint or tissue), heat n’bond lite, freezer paper - in case someone else is making something you like :-)
Safety pins, straight pins, basting spray, thread catcher bag
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