Old 03-05-2013, 10:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 314

The easier question is, what CAN'T you do with the quilts you make?? You don't have to display/use all your quilts all the time. I plan to make different quilts for my bedroom and our living area to change out as the seasons change. One day my children will hopefully get married, and I'll make them new bed quilts for their married lives. I have people on Facebook constantly asking me to make them a quilt, and many of them don't care about style or even color - they just love handmade objects (I've sold several this way, actually; I usually only ask for the cost of the materials so I can go buy more fabric, but people often pay me more). I also have a tendency to make quilts for people I like who I think would like to have a quilt, but are too shy to ask.

I don't see myself ever running out of things to do with quilts. One of my most treasured things is a quilt my mother's Air Force roommate made for me on my first marriage 22 years ago. The quilt outlasted the marriage, and she has since passed away from breast cancer, and the quilt is looking a little ragged and should be put away, but it is one of my favorite things ever. I can only hope that one of my quilts may some day mean so much to someone else!
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