Old 03-05-2013, 11:59 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

My "stash" started to get out of hand when my DH insisted that I move my sewing room to my daughter's BR after he took over my son's room (they were both not living at home at the time). His thinking was that we would save on heating and cooling bills if I just had one small room, instead of 1/4 of the basement. The problem was that I would look for something upstairs, think I didn't have that particular fabric or color of fabric and go buy more. I also inherited fabrics from friends who knew I quilted and made crafts for the church fair, as well as fabrics used for crafts for the church fair because people started recognizing the fabric. Then my sister was moving to a small apt. and guess what? She gave me part of her stash, and the list goes on and on, the stash snowballed. When we lost the house and had to downsize from a 3-bedroom house to a 2 bedroom apt., I literally gave away half my fabric stash and when my husband wanted me to get rid of more, put my foot down, telling him that if we didn't have money to buy new fabric, the least I could do was keep what I had so that I could still quilt and not buy much fabric. That worked for a while, then I fell, had a ruptured C -4-5 disk, with surgery and over 4 months of rehab and while in rehab one of the therapists asked if I would like some fabric she had been given by her friend, that she was probably not going to use. Imagine my surprise when she brought in this huge bag of fabric, nearly 40 yards in all; so while I make many quilts - happily I can again - I feel I've become a fabric magnet and fabric finds me. LOL I guess I'll just have to keep quilting and sewing, oh did I mentioned we have an almost 3 year old DGD who loves dresses and would like "MiMi" to make her things, so I need fabric right? It's and endless cycle and circle, so I'm just going with the flow and quilting as fast as I can.
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