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Old 03-06-2013, 04:48 AM
Daisy Dew
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Tall Corn State
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I love em all. But I had an eye opener a while back. I had always made pattern quilts and I really like them, I no longer like the BOM - I think I've tried about every block out there. Anyway I had made a planned scrappy it was so much fun - 6 strips sewn/cut into sqares/cut square diag/put together and you have a light and dark going on.
My daughter (40's) was over and I wanted her to have a quilt and she wanted one. So I pulled out all my quilts and the one she picked out of all my very planned/precise quilts was the scrappy! So lesson learned - the other 3 kids all did about the same thing. Son picked out a flannel raggy - go figure.

I do like a planned quilt so now most of my quilts are scrappy but with a plan - and they are a lot of fun.
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