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Old 03-07-2013, 01:09 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Central Jersey
Posts: 145

Elisa, actually thank you and everyone else for putting up with my learning curves of running something like this. I could not have asked for a better group to get this going and understanding the flubs along the way. I have learned quite a bit myself, and while I am behind on my blocks and will eventually catch up, I think as a whole this has been a great adventure.

Actually, I am sitting here as we speak working on the design for Septembers Quilt Along. Septembers QA is going to use the skills we have learned here and continue with learning things while giving us a themed lap quilt.

Hope you will join us for that one too Elisa...
Rosie the Wyldwytch

Originally Posted by Elisabrat
Everyone is doing a great job. And if its a new thing for you this is a terrific starting point. If you need help or questions on what your doing or how to do it better/easier just ASK. There are so many quilters here happy to offer advice or tips. I picked up some amazing tips over the last year. And each time I work on a project I do learn something else. Like cutting tips. and putting the painters tape on the quarter inch line in front of the machine so you can sew a perfect seam all the time (or most of the time ok ok or part of the time but with free advice I suggest lol you take it!

I am only 9 blocks into my quilt so far behind but I will catch up and even if this is finished post my quilt top. I am pretty good at getting it all together and since its for Me and its Christmas I want this one done. Wyldwytch thanks so much for hosting this its been so fun to work on and so fun to watch come together.
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