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Old 03-13-2013, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by justflyingin
I've made several now--should finish up two more today using 4" blocks--I sewed the 4" squares together in rather large squares (8x8) just to use them up and put together a charity quilt. I followed the video that Leah Day has...

Except that I think attaching the sashing the other way around is better as I prefer top stitching on the top and not from the back side.

Last week my daughter observed me hand stitching one and said, "Mom, wouldn't it be much faster to sew it on the machine?" When I told her, yes, but it isn't quite as accurate--unless you do it from the top."

So, I did...and it is working out great. I will be using this method more often for a change from quilting big pieces.
This is actually my favorite method too, except, I cut the back binding 1 5/8 rather than 1 1/2. I fold over the back binding, press making sure the binding covers the seam (glue basting would be great here) then SITD from the front. From the front it looks like narrow sashing. On the back, there is a tiny flange, but I don't have a problem with that.
Also, if you are doing smaller blocks, you can join several together using traditional sashing methods to give you a 1/2" finished sashing, quilt that section, then join. You really can't tell from the front where the joins are. i usually use a print on the back to hide the joining strips.
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