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Old 03-13-2013, 05:26 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Just finished one last weekend. I got tired of using the small cardboard design walls I had that were secured by mirror brackets on my fabric cabinets. Was a pain to move them when I needed to get something out. I didn't have any flannel or fleece large enough to hang, which is all I wanted to do, so DH came up with a plan to get what I wanted for @ $30.
My issue was how to keep it on the wall, just as you are wanting to do. So, this is what we did for anyone who may be interested:
We bought a 1" 4x8 sheet of foam insulation for $11. Bought 2 1/2 yds of white fleece at 50% off at Hancock Fabrics for $15. We drew a line at 60" and took my 5' metal ruler and laid it next to the line. Took a hacksaw blade and cut on the line. That left a piece to cut into 2 pieces-in half on the 48" side. One piece was 30 x 24, the other 38 x 24-which we cut 8" off. Lined it all up on the wall, put one screw with a 1" plastic washer to the very top of the big piece-in a wall stud. Then lined up the other 2 pieces. These 2 pieces had a straight manufacture edge that were butted up against the bottom of the 48x60 piece. Added double sided tape behind the insulation, and put more long screws around the outer edges of the sheet. Total size is 58 wide x 72 long. The fleece is 60" wide, so I was able to fold an inch over the sides and secure with T pins.
This is something that will last a very long time, I can use pins on it, and it can be taken down if needed. No way it is going to fall down. Right now it is on a wall behind my ironing board. I just move that when I need to use the whole wall, but until I have a lot to put on it, I can easily use it without moving it.
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