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Old 03-13-2013, 10:37 PM
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Hi Miriam,
Yes I've been taking pictures. I chickened out of the full restoration but instead did as complete a clean, grease and oil as I could in a single day. The wiring for the plug was definitely dangerous. The connector had been sticky taped together, so I didn't attempt to test it. After removing the tape, the plug had broken and someone had re-wired (probably due to the ends losing their rubber, which my other one has also done), but they had bared too much wire and the thing would definitely have shorted very quickly. I super glued the broken bit back together abd if it doesn't hold, I'll have to make or find a new plug. I shortened the wires again and made them safe.
Half of the feet have "melted", that is the rubber has gone bad from age (and being in Australia), and they look like lips injected with waay too much collagen.
I'll check the motor wiring before plugging it in.
OK, got to get back to it. More later.
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