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Old 03-14-2013, 11:52 AM
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Thanks Honestly, after 12 deployments (this is our 13th) it isn't that huge of a deal to me anymore. It's always been there with us since we got married and my son has always grown up dealing with it. The hard part is being both mom & dad and/or the only grown-up to deal with stuff for 7-8 months at a time. I've learned a lot about planning, back-up planning, and crisis planning. I feel like as long as I can have a plan for every possible outcome, then I can focus on living while he's gone and not just sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop (so to speak).

This is most likely our last deployment before he retires and it's going to be the most complicated - we moved away from all our family since the last deployment and I'm going to be student teaching (which is stressful enough) while he's gone. I won't lie and say that I'm not worried about something going wrong and not having Meemaw up the road to come help with Midget if he gets sick. I keep telling myself that as long as we make it to Dec 17th, I won't complain about anything that goes wrong starting Dec 18th. I just need calm water and sunshine & jellybeans until then.

I commend your DIL for doing deployments with 3 kids. 1 is more than enough for me when his father is HERE! I can't image more than 1.

Originally Posted by moonwork42029 View Post
Oh gosh, hate to hear about him being deployed! My son has been through 3 deployments and I admire my daughter in law so much for how she has handled it with their 3 little girls.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work that families go through during deployments...I know they are not a piece of cake that so many think they are. Thank your husband from our family also. Anyone in the service during these troubling times deserves a heartfelt round of gratitude and admiration.
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