Old 03-18-2013, 08:58 AM
Jan in VA
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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For those of you who remember the Barracks Quilt Project from over 2 years ago, this was a lovely opportunity for our local guild (who helped assemble so many of those tops you sent me) and members here to see the end result of a soldier receiving their quilts. I was so grateful that the show chair saw the wonderful PR it would bring us, as well as the chance to make note of the community outreach most guild have, and allowed us to use the show venue to present the quilts.

Our PR Chair arranged for THREE TV stations to film and the local newspaper (from which this article came) to be there -- all unbeknownst to me! It was a circus right in the doorway to the gym as the show opened for the day! I was interviewed on camera and was on the local news last night, not an event I particularly enjoy, but necessary in this case.

Josh is adorable, so handsome up close, very quiet, humble, YOUNG!! My goodness, he looks like a 14 year old to me! Kate is hug-able, loves petting and her squeaky ball. We hid two dog treats in her quilt so she would search through it for them and appear to really look over the quilt for the camera. . All the members and visitors at the show kept Josh around for hours chatting and then he went through the show and looked at all of the quilts.

I'm still glowing from the experience; it was truly a blessing. I'm determined to keep my eyes open for more opportunities like this locally. My personal reward is greater than the one who receives, I believe, when I see the thankfulness in the recipient's eyes. I encourage all of you to watch your local news and papers for stories about those you, too, can bless in this special way. We call it, "A hug from home."

Thank you for your kind compliments, QBees.

Jan in VA

Last edited by Jan in VA; 03-18-2013 at 09:00 AM.
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