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Old 02-14-2008, 02:37 PM
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It would seem most everyone here approaches this in about the same manner and I'm right along with the rest of you. The one thing I never, never do is tell someone I like their quilt when I simply do not. I do not have the type of personality to enjoy false praise and I feel I need to respect others enough not to give it. As many of you can guess, this relates to childhood issues. My family uses praise as a form of manipulation and so I am somewhat sensitive to the issue. I won't give out praise I don't feel, yet even if I dislike the quilt, there is always something positive I can find to say about it. And I find that if I don't like something, it is often easier to ask the quilter questions and learn the story behind the quilt (every quilt has one). Often that will allow me to appreciate it more than I would have otherwise and quite often I learn something, which is always an added bonus. And I never knock anyone for the pattern they chose or the colors they use because each is very subjective and I know my tastes won't always line up exactly with everyone else's. How boring if it did! :lol:

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