Thread: Small Question
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Old 03-20-2013, 09:36 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Lansing, MI
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I've tried all the different storage ideas over the past few years and think the comic board system is the best for me. I've started doing this as a use a fabric. If there's enough to go back into the yardage stash, I put it on the board. I want to be able to stand it up for easy access. I found (for myself) if I lay it down and I want the fabric on the bottom, I tend to make a mess of that pile. Then it gets worse from there. Bins the same thing. If I place them neatly in the bins, they get out of control quickly as I'm looking for the perfect fabric. This has not been the case yet for my fabric that's been put on the boards. After cutting what I need, I fold it back on and back into its place. So far, so good.

For the pieces too small to get folded, I cut down into my scrap sizes for future use.
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