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Old 11-08-2009, 11:52 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: West Roxbury, Ma
Posts: 10,353

Hello Donna,

I just saw your answer to MollieSue regarding her quest for a quilt pattern for an adult son. I wanted to do a storm at sea for my youngest son, who is in his first year of college out of town. I looked fevorishly for a pattern and could only find some pictures, no patterns or some very dark pictures with no yardage or directions. Eventually a quilting sister in New Hampshire sent me an old book she had with a pattern but it has too many pieces and is a very old pattern which I know has now been updated. Another quilting sister recently found a book with a variation of the storm at sea which is very helpful but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with just one more pattern and directions?
My son did not want ot take it to college so I have plenty of time to finish it. I had bought my material a long time ago when the thought first came to me to make him one. I know from the other pattern book that I do not have enough of the difrent materials but I am willing to play with what I have and see how it comes out.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Annz
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