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Old 03-22-2013, 09:43 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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I am guessing there are only two of you in the home....If one of you is now retired and the other still working....seems to me there is currently an unfair work/life balance. Gender does not exclude a person from certain domestic tasks. For many years my husband was at home with the kids/house whilst I worked full time....he is an excellent cook, domestic engineer and volunteered at school etc. Over the years we have reversed the roles, and currently I am mostly at home and he is in full-time work....he will be retiring soon and I am keen to get back to work at least part time. The secret is to sit down and if you have to, write out a fair list of who is to do what...we haven't had to do that as we both just got into the habit of sharing things evenly around....Each of you needs time and space to do things of their own...hobbies, whatever. We are both pretty independent, stubborn individuals who choose to share a life....neither of us is in need of "taking care of" or "mothering" and we are from a quite different age group and ethnicity....(he's 63 and I'm 49), it's not about stereotypes or tradition it is about respect and quality of life.

Oops...on my soapbox there....I don't mean to be strident or hard about stuff.....still do sweet things for each other, special treats, romance etc....just don't let one be the only number in the equation.
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