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Old 03-23-2013, 01:16 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Little Elm, TX
Posts: 46

Originally Posted by Boston1954
Jim always laughs at me when I mix these together. I figure ice cream is a form of milk so why not. Jim shakes his head and smiles as though I do not know what I'm doing. Do you have unusual combinations that you enjoy?
I LOVE corn flakes or wheat flakes with ice cream. Tastes like an ice cream cone. I thought it was my original breakfast or bedtime snack. ;-D. However, my favorite anytime food is leftover cornbread with maple syrup on it and a cup of coffee!! My grandpa got me hooked on that about 50+ years ago. Family and friends have thought it's the silliest thing they ever heard of--until they tried it. :-)
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