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Old 03-23-2013, 05:55 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Pine cone and tassel state
Posts: 978

Well ladies, you are playing with the village idiot here :-(

Got pretty cranked up late yesterday afternoon trying to get a few of the blocks stitched for Peggizo's row before going dancing. Started one block, got just about 1/2 through and realized I was doing the pattern wrong. Tossed that one aside; no big deal.

Started the next two blocks. Ooooh, so pretty :-) Trimmed them both up and went to show them to dh and it hits me.

Wait for it.

I found the pp pattern on-line and popped it into Publisher bringing it to the size I wanted. Got all ten of them traced out onto my super thin - chiropractor-gave-to-me-roll-of-table-face-paper- paper. That takes a spot of time.

Cut out all my fabric pieces. Successfully stitched two blocks together, trimmed them out, stepped back to admire them and then slapped my head.

When I put the pattern into Publisher, apparently I was one sandwich short of a picnic. In my mind because I made the pattern X" plus 1/2", I had allotted for the seam allowance to join all the blocks. And when did I realize the error of my ways? Yes. Right. As I was trimming the second of the two completed blocks and as my rotary cutter passed over the seam of a point and not 1/4" away.

Today, I get to play with more paper and pencil :-( Fortunately I can still use the remaining cut fabric pieces.

Lesson learned.

Dancing was fun:-) But how did I end up with laryngitis today?

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