Thread: Waldorf Salad
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Old 03-23-2013, 05:59 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 116

Our favorite is apple salad. I'm not sure what qualifies it as a Waldorf salad. The walnuts, I think.
I noticed that some of you use celery and you could add either of these if you like.
Anyway, here is what I do.
1/2 apple per person
1/2 banana per apple - that is how I start to get the amount that I want.
For instance:
4 apples
2 bananas
Maybe a cup of grapes halves - or dried dates, raisins, etc.
1 cup of mini marshmallows
Dressing is about 1/3 Miracle Whip and 2/3 Cool Whip
I like a generous amount of the dressing and just scoop it on - don't usually measure.
Okay, now I'm cooking like my grandmother.
It's a favorite with my family.
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