Thread: Trembling Hands
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Old 03-28-2013, 11:09 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 76

Lol, I am currently researching a new neurologist. The first time my husband met the man, as soon as we got out of his office, my husband said, "That man thinks his sh** don't stink!". And yes, my husband is 100% correct. I just cannot believe the whole list of symptoms that I have been reciting to doctor after doctor after doctor and NO ONE has ever said it could be connected with ET. I never researched ET because the neurologist just brushed it off like it was totally inconsequential. Not even the two specialists I saw at Hopkins (at $625 a pop) mentioned it! Only my primary doctor said that he thinks there is probably one thing that is encompassing a large portion of my symptoms...but nobody knows what it is. OMG, Thank you SO much. You have NO idea how much you and the others have helped me! Now that I know there can be other symptoms associated with it, I won't be as scared when every month a new symptom arises. Thank you so much, and God bless you and all of the others, for the change you have made in my life today.
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