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Old 03-30-2013, 06:50 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 718

Oh this reminds me of my DDIL...neither my DH or I grew up having desserts every meal (I did have home canned fruits)but not as a dessert after meal. I raised 3 sons and they would never eat dessert after a meal, as they said..who has room after mashed potatoes and gravy. So even for special holidays, only two in the family eat pie etc after the meal. So when my son got married...his wife grew up with having baked goods after every meal and always homemade daily. her mom was a stay at home mother who never worked. She was always so sad we never had desserts after a meal, so now I make sure I have even just Little Debbie snacks...and she is happy now.. and it is so funny..our grand daughter is exactly like her and always asks whats for dessert and our grandson is like my sons...doesn't want it. lol
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