Thread: Cheating???
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Old 04-01-2013, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by soccertxi View Post
Please don't use the word "cheat". Someone told me I was a CHEATER...loudly and often, because I'm a machine quilter and not a hand quilter. Its SUCH a strong word. I was so upset, I cried. Now I'm just angry that I let that man's words cheapen the nice work I do. Everyone has their own opinions I know, but this is QUILTING..not surgery or rocket science. There is a place for ALL that we do. By the way, next time I show off a quilt, and his JAW drops, he might hear that he will NEVER get one of my quilts. And I did not picket his cabinet shop with signs that said he was a cheater because he uses POWER TOOLS instead of hand tools. ....ok...sorry! Off my soap box now...I love it ALL..hand, machine, quilt for hire, do all your own... we need to back ourselves up, not knock ourselves down.
I don't think the OP was saying at all that it was cheating to MAKE a quilt in this manner, she was wondering if it was cheating to enter a quilt in a show that was made in this manner.

And it really depends completely on the show. I've seen show announcements that ONLY accept quilts that were pieced and quilted by one person, no other stitchers allowed, including binding. In this case, it absolutely would be cheating. I have seen others that allow multiple stitchers, but they all have to be named, so if the person entering the show didn't disclose that other did the work, it would be cheating. And then there are other shows that have no restrictions at all, not cheating.

This board is good about not having quilt police- it isn't cheating to make a quilt in any manner you want to make it. But to enter a show and win a prize while not following rules, that is the definition of cheating. Without knowing what this quilt show's rules were, I can't say whether this person cheated or not.
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