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Old 11-09-2009, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by butterflywing
we all knew you could do it. i kept wondering what it would look like. now i know: beautiful.

does that entryway open right into the living room? it will warm it up in there too. those old houses just don't hold heat at all. now you'll be nice and snuggly this winter. how cold do you get in france, anyway?
No, all the rooms have doors - the hall opens on to the stairs only.
Our walls are thick stone and once we get the attic insulated - (WIP!) and the cellar (at the moment, there's only parquet between us and the cellar) we should be warmer.
In January/February it can get to minus 8° centigrade ish - don't know what that is in farenheit but it's cooollldddd! :shock:
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