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Old 04-04-2013, 06:03 AM
Geri B
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Default R U a Survivor fan?

I have not watched it for several seasons now...just got tired of the 5 minutes of fame attitude... Tuned in last nite...just because nothing else on at that time...OMGosh!!! It is just so phony I cannot believe it is still are some of my observations/questions........beards on men are well,no under arm hair on women after all that time on "island"......the women running around in Victoria Secret underwear...but then at tribal council they have more than that on....and why does that council building always look the same ...... And the path to it...from "island" to "island" ...and they start out going and it is light out, they get there and it is pitch black, and where does the voted out person go to when they walk down that walkway into darkness.....really now......just reinforced my opinion of this and all "reality" tv...JMHO
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