Old 04-04-2013, 12:46 PM
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There was a discussion on the Dear Jane site just yesterday about the size of the triangles if you're making 6" blocks. It's kind of long, but very helpful. Here are the pertinent parts of it:

"The base of the triangles should be the width of the block + the width of one piece of sashing. (because the tri bases line up with the middle of one sashing piece, go across the block, to the middle of the next sashing piece).

I used 1" sashing with my 6" DJ blocks. That made my triangles 7 x 11.25.

Caroljoy (Cj) Spensley
Friendship Quiltery; Wheaton, Illinois

Determine Triangle Size
The software will tell you block, triangle, and kite sizes, if you ask it in the right way :-).

1) If you are not on the quilt worktable, then:
a) Open the Sketchbook
b) Select the Quilts tab, on the side
c) Click the Edit button, at the bottom
2) On the Quilt worktable:
a) If necessary, Switch from the Set tool to the Select tool (the arrow)
b) Select any triangle.
3) Select the File -> Print -> Block menu item
4) On the "Print Block" dialog's "Block Size" tab:
a) Select "Size from quilt", on the middle of the left hand side.
On a classic sized quilt, you will see the size change from 4.5"x4.5" to 5"x8".
b) Click Close to exit without printing.

Setting Triangle Size
As to what size the triangles SHOULD be for a quilt with 6" blocks, that's really another question. The DJ quilt has inner blocks, sashing, and three (3) borders. If you adjust the inner block size, then you may also wish to change the sashing and border sizes. Cj also said that her triangles were 7"x11.25", which means that she changed her 2nd border size from 8" to 11.25" on the borders tab. She chose that because her triangle widths changed from 5" to 7" (an
increase of 1.4 times) due to the above block, sashing and inner border changes. She chose to proportionally increase the triangles heights by 1.4 times, which would be 11.2". However, the DJ software rounds to the nearest 1/4", so it ended up as 11.25".

Of course, you could choose some other method -- it's up to you :-).

You may also wish to adjust the size of the outer border, but Cj didn't mention whether she did that or not.

Angle Measurement
You can see the angle measurement by:
a) Selecting a triangle on the quilt worktable.
b) File -> Print -> Rotary cutting
c) Size from Quilt
d) Preview (if necessary, use the Zoom button)

However, BEWARE OF ANGLE MEASUREMENTS in the DJ software, because they are rounded values. For that reason, Electric Quilt recommends using templates, rather than rotary cutting diagrams in situations such as this. If you really want the angle measurement, then print a template and use a protractor to determine the angle.

OTOH, you don't really need to know the angle if you use templates. You can use two-sided, removable tape to stick a template to the underside of a quilting ruler and use that to cut out the plain triangles.

Bev in TX"
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