Old 04-06-2013, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 9

During the last 2 years or so, we began to get more info and ads in quilt magazines about "wonderful new"
quilting gadgets, to make the whole process of quilt making "easier and faster" from begin to end. And now that we
get even more of these ads, I have begon to think seriously about what the goal of a quilt lover and quilt maker
should be... Is it to plan and work carefully to make a gorgeous piece of art, or just simply to cut, sew fabrics
together, and finish the project as soon as possible? Many of these gadgets which are on sale in quilt shops,
at quilt expo's and via Internet, are very expensive. What do you do with them, when you no longer need them?
I have always gotten excellent results with well-known products such as quilt mats, rotary cutter, light cardboard
to make templates, pins and (quilt) needles. Our grannies and great-grannies made beautiful quilts with only
simple tools such as scissors, needles and pins, to create their gorgeous projects.
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