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Old 04-11-2013, 05:18 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: East Tennessee
Posts: 1,053

You absolutely don't sound like a snob. There's so much time invested in a quilt and we spend hours and hours trying to get everything as close to perfection as possible that it just doesn't make sense to make the process more difficult by buying cheap fabric unless you absolutely have no choice. And thee are bargains to be had out there. In the past year, three members of my quilt group have passed away or become to ill to continue quilting. Their entire stash--fabric, equipment and supplies--was offered for sale among our members. I'm a big advocate of groups and guilds anyway. You learn so much and have so many opportunities that you miss if you quilt solo. Thrift shops are also an excellent source of really nice fabric that, again, is the result of someone closing out their hobby. How does that saying go? "Life is too short to eat bad food and drink bad wine." It's too short to fight with cheap fabric too.
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