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Old 04-13-2013, 12:13 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Mt. Wolf, PA
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Originally Posted by Cagey View Post
My DD who is 36 just got back from a field trip with her 10 yr daughter and her class. She was so upset when she called me. Evidently they went to a historical museum in our capital city and she saw things in the museum that she used to play with. She kept saying it wasn't possible - she's not that old! Of course my reply was "wait until you go to antique stores and find things you used to play with - I see them all the time!" Guess it just goes to show how fast things change in these high tech times we live in now.
My mother used to say: "You are as old as you feel." So there you got it. My four yr. old granddaughter said to me the other day: "Grandma, you are old!" Awww, I said, I am not THAT old. Why do you say I am old? "Well, Grandma, you are old because you have CRINKLES!" I have had so many good laughs over that one. So if you don't want to get old, just don't get crinkles!!!!!
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