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Old 04-14-2013, 01:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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I'm surprised at all the comments. If anyone has had a question, I've pm-d them to answer. However, maybe others have the same question. If you're interested in doing the same for your local hospital, I'd recommend you call the labor and delivery department and ask to speak to the charge nurse, or nurse in charge that day. You can describe what you've seen here and see if they have a need for it or if there's someone else they can direct you to, so you can help.

To anyone who has lost a newborn, (no matter how far along you were in your pregnancy), I am sorry for your loss. It's not something that I feel should be hidden or tucked away. It is a terrible experience and we need to be able to grieve and move forward in some sense of regular life afterwards.

It took me a few years to figure out why I turned into such a nasty person at the end of March every year. Being Irish I loved celebrating St. Patrick's Day with my whole family. We always had a big party. Then I'd get very cranky for a few weeks after. Couldn't seem to blame it on 'that time of the month' as it never was. Finally I realized that 2 of the babies I lost were due about that time. Eureka! Since that discovery, I've not had a bad March! I cherish the children I do have and heal a little bit more every time I make a bereavement blanket for a newborn that doesn't make it. It doesn't make me sad to make these blankets.

I've personally wrapped a few babies in the blankets that I've made. Some experiences are more emotional than others, but I'm there to assist the patients and families in any way I can.
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