Old 04-16-2013, 08:34 PM
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Boy! Is this a HOT subject! A few of my come-backs:


IMHO: I've decided not to should on myself. AND Woe to him who tries to should on me.

IMHO: "Who asked for your opinion anyway?"

In the Bible: "In the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." Matt7:2

And if I still want to be friends: "Let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way." Romans 14:13

And from experience: it was my first time to a new quilt guild. I was standing in line for show-and-tell because I was proud of my finished quilt.
The lady in front of me had her turn. She showed a beautiful hand quilted quilt. Then presented a 15 minute tiraid on anyone who would degrade a quilt by machine quilting. And even worse to let someone else quilt it. Finally she sat down. The room was silent.
Slowly I stepped up (and I really didn't want to insult her). (Pause) I said, "Well, following that (pause), this is my machine quilted quilt that _____ _____ LAQ for me and I'm very proud of it." The room exhaled and chuckled.
We were able to finish show-and-tell.
She had embarrashed everyone in that room by her holier-than-thou attitude and insults.
By the way, she never did it again.

She put a stumbling block in your path. Walk around it..... Recognize someone (if not a person, then God himself) will judge her by the same measure she judged you. Just as Pharoh named the last judgemt on Israel as the death of the first born, so he chose the judgement upon himself..... And keep going.

Are we having fun yet?
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